The original concept was recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins at a level that diseases such as scurvy Sailor’s acute shortage would be. A debate still rages, but there is a wealth of research on vitamin A, C, E, antioxidant vitamins.

A trial National Institutes of Health clinical trials in people at high risk of developing advanced stages of macular degeneration age-related (AMD), found that patients at risk by 25 percent to be reduced when treated with high doses of antioxidant vitamins and zinc.

Another study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta showed that taking a multivitamin with vitamin E reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease. Among patients taking the combination, the risk of death fell by 15 percent for these two diseases.

In September this year, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) concluded a study of the relationship between vitamin C and cancer examined, suggesting that vitamin C can fight against cancer. They found in a lab environment that high doses of vitamin C directly into the bloodstream, killing cancer cells injected.

Although the current RDA for vitamin C is 60 mg, many researchers suggest that the increase of the GDR, between 100 and 200 mg would be a good option for people, antioxidants they need to maintain common good.

Be careful when buying vitamins and supplements. Research has shown that the whole food vitamims, or vitamins with their co-factors, much more effective than isolated nutrients. Nutrition is a complex process that thousands of chemical reactions in our bodies. Vitamins are always better in their natural state – the food. Supplements | PostTagIcon Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,